Astronomers Found 7 Exotic Ghost Particles, Passed Through Earth

Design and Produced By

Dr. Swapnil

March 16, 2024   01:28  PM

At the Earth's south pole, Ice cube observatory detects 7 ghost particles. Those are astronomical tau neutrinos. Neutrinos also known as ghost particles.

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Neutrinos are mass less, charge less, they are abundant in Universe. Least possibility for interact with matter.

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There are three types of high energy neutrinos- Electron neutrinos, Muon neutrinos and Tau neutrinos.

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IceCube neutrino observatory embedded in ice at south pole within antartcic ice.

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IceCube neutrino observatory mission is to detect neutrinos in three types for helping Astrophysical research.

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IceCube neutrino observatory uses Digital Optical Modules (DOM) buried in antarctic ice to detect neutrinos.

Image Credit: Mark Krasberg; IceCube/National Science Foundation

Detected high energy tau neutrinos have characteristics of light emissions when interact with DOMs molecules in ice.

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Detection of these tau neutrino requires nearly decades of data using neural networks.

Image Credit: Unsplash

IceCube neutrino observatory detects 7 strong tau particles with minimum chance of misidentification.

Image Credit: Unsplash

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