Milky Way Galaxy has Started Collision with Andromeda Galaxy

Design and Produced By

Dr. Swapnil

March 07, 2024   12:48  AM

In the year 2012, NASA said that our Milky Way galaxy where we live is going collode with Andromeda galaxy.

Image Credit: NASA

Astronomers said that, collision process was supposed to happen for next 4.5 billion years.

Image Credit: NASA

But now astronomers said that, collision process may have already begun. This is true..

Image Credit: NASA

Research said that, halo of both Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy started to touching each other.

Image Credit: NASA

Collision between two galaxies causes new stars born, change in shape and gravitaional forces.

Image Credit: NASA

In this process, it will merge  trillion stars of Andromeda galaxy and 300 billion stars of Milky Way galaxy.

Image Credit: NASA

According to astronomers, our Earth and Solar system are out of danger. Merger is still 2.5 billion years away.

Image Credit: NASA

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