SpaceX Starship Lunches Succuessfully in 3rd Flight Test

Design and Produced By

Dr. Swapnil

March 14, 2024   11:29 AM

Today on March 14, 2023 SpaceX Starship launches successfully in it's 3rd test flight.

Image Credit: SpaceX

Third flight test achieved several key milestones and open doors for future Moon and Mars colonizaton.

Image Credit: SpaceX

Till date SpaceX Starship is the biggest, heaviest and most powerful rocket in the world.

Image Credit: SpaceX

Starship launch was smooth, after some time heavy booster detach from ship and starship heading up.

Image Credit: SpaceX

After 45 minutes Starship enters Earth's atmosphere and decending towards Indian ocean for splash down.

Image Credit: SpaceX

During re-entry of starship it shows powerful plasma field that envelops heat shields of starship.

Image Credit: SpaceX

During decent of starship it's underside was heating then ground team lost connection with Starship. SpaceX said that Starship had not survived re-entry.

Image Credit: SpaceX

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