Design and Produced By
Dr. Swapnil
March 08, 2024 09:03 AM
The first lunar eclipse of the year 2024 will be Penumbral lunar Eclipse. That will fall on March 25.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Lunar eclipse is an astronomical event where Moon hides behind Earth's shadow.
Image Credit: Unsplash
This eclipse occurs when Moon moves through outer faint shadow of our Earth.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Penumbral lunar eclipse begins at 04:53:16 UTC, maximum at 07:12:51 UTC & ends at 09:32:27 UTC.
Image Credit: Unsplash
United States of America, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, England.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Japan, Switzerland, France, Netherland, Italy, South Norway, Portugal, Germany and Russia.
Image Credit: Unsplash
At least 889,000,000 people can able to see the entire lunar eclipse from beginning to end.
Image Credit: Unsplash