Unique Filaments Discovered in Heart of Milky Way Galaxy

Astronomers make a discovery in the Milky Way, unique filaments hidden in the galaxy's centre.

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These newly filaments were initially observed near Sagittarius A*, the central supermassive black hole.

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Study reveals a complete numbers of filaments spreading out from the black hole like spokes on a wheel.

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Northwestern University's Farhad Yusef-Zadeh leads the study, shows short filaments near the Galactic plane.

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Discovery of these filaments came as a impossible, challenging previous our assumptions.

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Yusef-Zadeh previously discovered massive radio-emitting bubbles near Sagittarius A* using the MeerKAT telescope.

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The filaments can be divided into vertical and horizontal orientations, with different characteristics and lengths.

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Vertical filaments are magnetic and relativistic, involving strong magnetic forces and particles moving at nearly the speed of light.

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Horizontal filaments emit thermal radiation and accelerate material within molecular clouds.

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Vertical filaments reach heights of up to 150 light-years, surpassing the length of the horizontal filaments.

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Scientists said that these filaments originated from past outflows, possibly interacting with surrounding objects.

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Discovery of these filaments opens new chance for understanding the black hole's spin and the orientation of its accretion disk in the Milky Way's center.

Credit: Pixabay

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