You Can See Rare Star Explosion For a Week In Corona Borealis Constellation

Design and Produced By

Dr. Swapnil

March 18, 2024   11:15 AM

Image Credit: NASA/ Chanda

NASA official said that a rare nova outburst will be visible to naked eye for week.

Image Credit: NASA/ Chandra

This is rare nova located 3000 light years away from our Earth. From the star system Coronae Borealis ( T CrB).

Image Credit: NASA/ Chandra

 (T CrB)  Coronae Borealis star system consist of a red giant star and white dwarf star orbiting each other.

Image Credit: NASA/ Chandra

Star explosion or outburst on surface occurs when white dwarf takes material form red giant star causes nuclear fusion flash.

Image Credit: Pixabay

You can see this once in life time moment in between February and September 2024. 

Image Credit: Pixabay

It will be visible in the constellation Corona Borealis, lies in between the constellation Hercules and Bootes.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is rare event happening once in 80 years. It will be appear very bright as North star for almost week.

Image Credit: Pixabay

You can see this rare event by naked eye for several days. After a week use binoculars before it's get dim.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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