If you miss the chance to see the Perseid meteor shower, then you have the last chance to see the meteor shower of August 2024. The Aurigids meteor shower is the last meteor shower of August. This meteor shower is just like a treat for stargazers and astronomy lovers.
Aurigids meteor shower occurs every year at the end of August. The name of the meteor shower is after the constellation Auriga. This year, the Aurigids are active from August 28 to September 5 but peak is expected on the night of August 31. The best time for stargazers to watch is after midnight.
What Makes the Aurigids Special?
The Aurigids meteors are remnants of the comet C/1911 N1 Kiess. When the Earth passes through the debris of a comet, then, we get a chance to witness a fantastic meteor shower. These meteors are bright and fast; they travel at a speed of 66 Kilometers per second.
Unlike other meteor showers, the Aurigids are less frequent but more spectacular. There is a big difference between the Perseids and the Aurigids, which is there are many meteors during the Perseids but not during the Aurigids. But if you see a meteor, it will be unforgettable. They often leave bright trails that linger in the sky.
How to Watch the Aurigids
Find a dark spot away from city lights to get the best view of the Aurigids. The darker the sky, the better your chances of seeing the meteors. Let your eyes adjust to the darkness for about 20-30 minutes. This will help you see even the faintest meteors. For best result start your observation after 1:00 AM local time.
After midnight, the constellation Auriga will be high in the sky. You don’t need any special equipment to watch the meteor shower. Just lie back, relax, and enjoy the show. The peak oocur before the new moon so high chances of darkness and helps to find meteors.
Tips for Stargazing
- Check the Weather: Clear skies are essential for meteor shower watching. Check the weather before you leave to ensure you have a good view.
- Dress Warmly: Nights can get chilly, even in August. Wear warm clothes and bring a blanket.
- Bring Snacks and Drinks: Watching meteors can take time. So bring some snacks and drinks to keep you comfortable and entertained.
- Be Patient: Meteor showers can be unpredictable. Sometimes, you might see several meteors in a few minutes; other times, you might have to wait for a long time.
The Science Behind Meteor Showers
Any meteor shower occur when the Earth get pass through the debris left by comets or asteroids. When these tiny debris of comets enter Earth’s atmosphere, they burn up, creating bright streaks of light. The Aurigids are unique because they come from a long-period comet, so it takes a comet hundreds or even thousands of years to orbit the Sun.
The Aurigids meteor shower was first observed in the year 1935. Since then, Aurigids have been a favorite among astronomers. These meteors are famous for their speed and brightness.
Why You Shouldn’t Miss the Aurigids
It would be best if you did not miss this because it is the last meteor shower of the summer. The next meteor shower is in October, so you have to wait for the upcoming Draconids meteor shower. Keep your eye on the night sky from August 28 to September 5.
The Aurigids expected to produce 10 meteors per hour. This number may increase or decrease according to your position and atmosphere.
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